Mar 14
Builder Derex Van Burg(h) petitions royal governor Benjamin Fletcher and his council for back pay due him for erecting the King's Chapel at the foot of Manhattan.
William Merritt is appointed mayor, annually through 1698. ** An attempt is made to repeal a 1683 law granting the city a flour monopoly. ** Former military chaplain John Miller draws a detailed plan of lower Manhattan. ** The city has a reported twenty Jewish families. ** Merchant William Kidd travels to London in his brig Antegoa; he happens to meet New Yorker Robert Livingston, who proposes a scheme to suppress piracy for financial gain. Kidd will set out next year on this mission in the Adventure Galley. ** The Little Red Schoolhouse is built, on Staten Island.
Captain William Kidd sails his ship Adventure Galley out of London to hunt pirates in Madagascar. He fails to salute the royal yachts as he pull out and his men make insulting gestures. King William orders a hundred of Kidd's men be removed from the captain's forces. Unable to find replacements, Kidd returns to New York.
Mar 19
New York governor Benjamin Fletcher grants a petition by Church of England congregants on Manhattan to build a church (the first, downtown Trinity Church), between the "Kings Garden and the burying Place" at Wall Street..
England's King William grants New York City's Collegiate Church a Royal Charter -The Charter of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church - the oldest corporation in the U. S. today.
Jun 26
£3,000 is voted by the corporation of New York City to erect a city hall at the corner of Nassau and Wall Streets.
Jul 23
Governor Fletcher licenses Trinity Church members to solicit contributions for building costs.
Sep 6
Captain Kidd sails from New York to track down pirates.
A Quaker meeting house is built on Green Street (Liberty Place). ** Captain Teunis de Kay petitions for permission to construct a cart path from Broad Street to the street where the "pye-woman" lives (Nassau Street), keeping the excavated soil for himself. ** The colony faces a scarcity of bread.
Captain William Kidd overtakes a small trader belonging to Moorish merchants off India's Malabar coast. While Captain Thomas Parker is aboard Kidd's ship the privateer's crew boards Parker's vessel and tortures the crew. Kidd will be labeled a pirate from now on.
May 6
Trustees of Trinity Church petition Fletcher to grant them a charter, which will be done.
Richard Coote, the Earl of Bellomont is named to succeed Fletcher as Royal Governor of New York. He will not arrive in American until the following April. ** Boston doctor Benjamin Bullivant passes through New York City, comments on the number of wells and the miserable condition of the streets.
Nov 23
The New York City board of aldermen call for all homeowners to hang lights at night in windows that front the street.
Dec 2
New York's board of alderman require every seventh home to hang a lantern out at night, the cost to be borne by all seven households. ** Fletcher orders Trinity Church trustees Stephanus van Cortlandt, Peter Jacobs Mariuss, Dr. John Kerbyle, and Johannes Kipp to report on funds raised under license to redeem captives of the Barbary pirates. One captive, Bartholomew Rouston has been moved into the African interior, one has escaped, the others have died. Remaining funds are to be turned over to Church wardens Thomas Wenham and Robert Lurting for the church's building fund. If Rouston is recovered the church will be responsible for his ransom.
Paid appointed firemen are used - the first in the colonies. ** Population: 4,302. ** Church Street is laid out and Trinity Church is built. Governor Fletcher installs the Reverend William Vesey, a Long Island dissenter, as pastor of the new Trinity Church. ** A four-man city watch is created. ** Pro-Leisler members of the Reformed Church consistory now outnumber Anti-Leislerians four to two. ** Dutch traveler Jasper Danckaerts visits Brooklyn, sketches natives and wildlife. ** The State House, at Broad and Pearl streets, is declared unsafe.
Mar 13
The Reverend Mr. Vesey conducts the first services in Trinity Church.
Apr 26
New York Royal governor Benjamin Fletcher, recalled to England, donates his family pew in Trinity Church back to the church, to be used for any person of quality needing a pew at any time.
Oct 20
The disinterred bodies of Jacob Leisler and Jacob Milborne are reburied at Manhattan's Dutch church.
Leislerians accuse Dominie Selyns of mishandling consistory meetings and elections. Eleven anti-Leislerians come to his defense.
Nov 9
New York City mayor De Peyster names Enoch Hill the city's first marshal.
Johannes De Peyster is appointed mayor. A ritual is inaugurated, and carried on until the Revolution, whereby the mayor-elect and his party proceed from City Hall to Trinity Church (completed this year, the first Episcopal church in the colony) and attend services, call on the governor at Fort William Henry, and return to City Hall for the swearing in. ** An election dispute in the Dutch Reformed Church splits the consistory evenly between pro- and anti-Leisler members. Leislerians claim they are the true Dutch church, point to the anti-Leislerians' cooperation with the English authorities. ** The families of executed rebellion leaders Jacob Leisler and Jacob Milborne ask and receive grudging permission to exhume the bodies and rebury them in the Garden Street Dutch Church yard.
Jul 6
William Kidd, having turned himself in to authorities, is charged with piracy.
Aug 9
New York City begins fining peddlers twenty shillings for selling on the streets, but encourages them to set up a permanent market at Countess's Key (later called Coentes Slip).
Sep 6
New York's mayor is ordered to provide a hospital for the poor. And the village of Harlem is given permission to erect one mill.
Oct 16
A shipyard is established on New York City's East River.
Merchant John Rodman purchases the decaying State House at public sale for £920. The English build a new city hall, at Wall and Nassau Streets. The wall along the former is demolished to allow room for expansion. ** David Provost is appointed mayor. ** Population: 6,000. ** The city's monopoly of the flour trade is repealed. ** Pro-Leisler forces in the Dutch Reformed Church consistory now lead the anti-Leisler members six to one. Minister Selyns will be the sole member of the latter for the next two years. ** Nicholas Vechte builds a stone house near Brooklyn's Gowanus Creek. **
Queens' Presbyterians build Old Stone Church near today’s Union Hall Street.
(c) 2011 David Minor / Eagles Byte