May 4
Rem Gerritsen (Remmersen), son of a pioneer New Amsterdam family, dies at Cape May, New Jersey, at the age of 48.
The approximate date the Reverend John Bartow buys land on the west side of the Hutchinson River in the Bronx, extending to Eastchester Road. For some unrecorded reason he calls the property Scabby Indian.
The Council requires all vessels engaged in the West Indies trade to pass through quarantine, on Staten Island.
By now English-born doctor John Nicolls and his family have moved to Manhattan from Boston (they had been living North America since about 1712) and settled on Hanover Square on Gold Street.
Sep 18
John Nicolls and William Smith recruit the Reverend James Anderson as the first pastor of the currently forming Presbyterian congregation.
The approximate date Deborah Dean, relative-by-cousin's-marriage of future lawyer and coroner of the City of New York John Burnet, is born in Jamaica, Queens, to Samuel and Catherine Denton Dean.
Jul 23
Thomas Grents, clerk of the British ship Victory, petitions New York council president Peter Schuyler on behalf of Spanish priest Andre Saens de Bitare out of Havana, who was captured twice and put ashore penniless by Captain Thomas Jacobs of the Diamond.
Jul 24
Schuyler orders Captain Jacobs to take the priest back aboard and allow him to continue his journey.
Aug 5
Printer William Bradford is born in New York City to William Bradford and Sytje Santvoord Bradford.
A house is built at Broad and Pearl streets for French Huguenot Etienne DeLancey. It will later become the Fraunces Tavern. ** Jacobus Van Cortlandt is appointed mayor; reappointed next year. ** A Presbyterian church is erected in a garden on the north side of Wall Street.
Apr 19
King George I appoints William Burnet as Royal governor of New York, replacing Robert Hunter.
The roof of Manhattan’s Presbyterian meetinghouse on Broadway at Wall Street is completed.
Sep 17
Adolph Philipse, Robert Walters, George Clarke, Caleb Heathcote, Francis Harison and John Barberie petition New York Council president Peter Schuyler, advocating acceptance of requests made by Gilbert Livingston and Thomas Smith, representatives of the First Presbyterian Church, to allow the church more autonomy in choice of ministers and payment of church debts.
Sep 19
New York City Presbyterian minister James Anderson, along with Patrick Macknight, John Nicoll, Joseph Ledell, John Blake and Thomas Ingels, petition New York governor William Burnett and his council for permission to incorporate.
Robert Walters is appointed mayor; reappointed annually to 1725. ** Population 7,000.
May 24
Early New Amsterdam pioneer Mary Gerritsen Remmersen dies in Gravesend, Brooklyn.
May 27
Mary Gerritsen Remmersen is buried in Gravesend Churchyard.
An official document refers to immigrant Dr. John Nicoll, founder of Manhattan's First Presbyterian Church in 1717, as being a burgess of Linlithgow, Scotland.
Feb 22
Willem Willemsen, second-generation New Amsterdam resident, dies in Greenwich Village at about the age of 70.
Feb 26
Willemsen is buried.
Staten Island
Dutch immigrant Cornelius van Santvoord builds a stone cottage on the shore road (later Richmond Terrace).
The population is 7,248; 1,362 of them slaves. ** Governor William Burnet determines that the declination of the magnetic compass measures seven degrees and twenty minutes, a change eastward since 1686 of 83 minutes.
Sep 20
The Reverend Louis Rou, minister of the French Reformed Protestant Church of New York, is arbitrarily dismissed by the church's Consistory.
Sep 24
Sixty of Rou's parishioners (male) publicly protest the action of their fellow members. The names of 25 wives and widows are appended to the petition; ten men abstain from taking sides.
Doctor and First Presbyterian Church founder Dr. John Nicoll, visiting Scotland, his birth place, for six months, issues a request for funds for the church back in the colonies. ** Doctor and First Presbyterian Church founder Dr. John Nicoll, visiting Scotland, his birth place, for six months, issues a request for funds for the church back in the colonies. He receives an honorary M.D. degree from Edinburgh University.
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